Cichliden von A-Z | West- & Zentralafrika | Gattung Etia SCHLIEWEN & STIASSNY, 2003

Etia nguti Foto Michel Keijman

Etia nguti Foto Michel Keijman

Gattungsbeschreibung: Schliewen, Ulrich K & M. Stiassny. 2003. „Etia nguti, a new genus and species of cichlid fish from the River Mamfue, Upper Cross River basin in Cameroon, West Central Africa“. Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters. 14(1):61-72

Typusart: Etia nguti SCHLIEWEN & STIASSNY, 2003

Beschriebene Arten:
Etia nguti SCHLIEWEN & STIASSNY, 2003