Gattungsbeschreibung: Stauffer, Jay Richard Jr. & Konings, Ad. 2006. „Review of Copadichromis (Teleostei: Cichlidae) with the description of a new genus and six new species“. Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters. v. 17; n. 1; pp. 9-42
Typusart: Copadichromis cyclicos Stauffer, LoVullo & McKaye, 1993
Beschriebene Arten:
Mchenga conophoros (STAUFFER, LOVULLO & MCKAYE, 1993)
Mchenga cyclicos (STAUFFER, LOVULLO & MCKAYE, 1993)
Mchenga eucinostomus (REGAN, 1922)
Mchenga flavimanus (ILES, 1960)
Mchenga inornata (BOULENGER, 1908)
Mchenga thinos (STAUFFER, LOVULLO & MCKAYE, 1993)