Gattungsbeschreibung: Boulenger, George Albert. 1898. „Report on the fishes recently obtained by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in Lake Tanganyika“. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. vol. 3: pp. 494-497
Typusart: Bathybates ferox BOULENGER, 1898
Beschriebene Arten:
Bathybates fasciatus BOULENGER, 1901
Bathybates ferox BOULENGER, 1898
Bathybates graueri STEINDACHNER, 1911
Bathybates hornii STEINDACHNER, 1911
Bathybates leo POLL, 1956
Bathybates minor BOULENGER, 1906
Bathybates vittatus BOULENGER, 1914