Cichliden von A-Z | Ostafrika | Gattung Chetia TREWAVAS, 1961

Gattungsbeschreibung: Trewavas, Ethelwynn. 1961. „A New Cichlid Fish in the Limpopo basin“. Annals of the South African Museum. 46:t5:53-56

Typusart: Chetia flaviventris TREWAVAS, 1961

Beschriebene Arten:
Chetia brevicauda BILLS & WEYL, 2002
Chetia brevis JUBB, 1968
Chetia flaviventris TREWAVAS, 1961
Chetia gracilis (GREENWOOD, 1984)
Chetia mola BALON & STEWART, 1983
Chetia welwitschi (Boulenger, 1898)